Menù s.r.l, food processing company for obtaining specialty foods for operators in the Hotel-Restaurant-Cafè sector, wholesalers, large retail chains, small communities and retailers, sustains that: Food Safety (intended as a concept aimed at excluding the possibility that food products can cause harm to consumers if prepared and/or consumed in accordance with the intended use), the Quality of its products and the Satisfaction of its Customers are the foundation of the company’s commercial success.
Our policy is founded on:
The Menù srl Management Team is committed to ensuring that the policy is implemented and supported at all levels of the organisation.
To ensure these goals are achieved, it implemented:
The documents describing the Corporate Food Safety and Quality Management System have been approved by the Management Team, which supports their application through the Group Leader for food safety and quality assurance service.
Our entire staff is committed to the continuous development and improvement of the system.